Date(s) - July 27
12:00 am


Wine Dinner with Ocean Beach Winery, Gianni Buonomo Vintners


Date(s) - July 27
12:00 am


Yes, there is a great “urban winery” right here in Ocean Beach! Gianni Buonomo Vintners. The owner and winemaker is Keith Rolle, and he will not only share his wines with us, but also teach us what is happening now with urban wineries, and all about the grapes that he selects from Washington State and California. (In Italian, “buon uomo” means “good man.” Gianni is “beneducato” – that is, well mannered. He is the consummate gentleman. Like many Italians, Gianni is passionate about food and passionate about wine.) This is a 4-course dinner designed by Chef Accursio. The price is $84/person that includes 5 delicious wines from Gianni Buonomo. 6:45pm Dinner and 6:15pm Reception. RSVP!

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