Date(s) - September 27 - September 29
All Day


Pasta World Championship! ~ Milano & Parma, Italia


Date(s) - September 27 - September 29
All Day


Latest Update: ++ 7am Friday: Juust Announced!! Chef Accursio WINS the Pasta World Championship!!! Oh my!! This is so so so happy!!! Go Chef Accursio – you Rock!!!

Latest Update: ++ 10am Thursday: Chef Accursio advances to the Final Round!! Yes, he makes the Top 3!!! The final competition starts tomorrow in Parma, Italy, at 9am local time (midnight in California). Go Accursio!!!

Latest Update: ++ 9:30am Wednesday: Accursio survives the first round!! He is chosen as one of the Top 10 competitors … 10 other competitors “go home”. The field is now 10 chefs (from 20) … and they start again tomorrow at 9am Milano time. Yay!

Latest Update: ++ 11am Monday: Chef Accursio took off Monday afternoon for Milano. Competition starts Wednesday!

Congratulations … and Best of Luck … to Chef Accursio! Congrats because he was selected as 1 of 20 chefs in the world to compete in the Annual Pasta World Championship … and Best of Luck because the competition is Sep 27 to 29 in Milano and Parma, Italy. The focus is pasta … and Chef Accursio is designing fascinating (and delicious) spaghetti dishes “as we speak”. Click here to watch a great video of Chef Accursio that the organizers created. Yay!! Watch the Solare Facebook page for all the latest details … and here are two cool posts by EATER SAN DIEGO and @sandiegoville. Go Accursio!!

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