Date(s) - March 26
12:00 am


Margarite’s Amazing BYOM Event!


Date(s) - March 26
12:00 am


Margarite says: Friends, Food, Fun, Frivolity…Together served with magnums of great wine. Keeping the tradition 2017 in grand style with the ninth (9th) annual Bring Your Own Magnum (of your yummiest wine) Party, Sunday, March 26th 2:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M. at Solare Ristorante in Point Loma at Liberty Station. Red, white, or sparkling, it’s all good. We’ll sip and sample each magnum, while nibbling on light appetizers and sharing our resolutions for the New Year.

Featuring special guests: Wine Columnist Frank Mangio, of Taste of Wine TV; Michael Hurst of Ferrari Carano Vineyards, Please use your tastiest wine discretion. You may want to dine at Solare Ristorante when magnums go dry. For anyone interested in dinner reservations following the event, can make a Reservation; the full Solare menu is available, and there will be no corkage fee for anyone staying for dinner.

In addition, to enhance our celebration at BYOM, we thought it would be nice share with those less fortunate, especially as these have been challenging economic times for many. If you would like to contribute a non-perishable food item to St. Vincent De Paul Village of “Father’s Joe’s, http://my.neighbor.org, they would greatly appreciate the donation and a bin will be set up to collect them at the party. Thank you, and best wishes!

Your donation may be tax deductible please review with your accountant for guidelines. (Here is the Tax ID for Farther Joe’s: 33-0492302). Or if you prefer please make a donation to the Moores Cancer center at UCSD by clicking here.
~~ Any questions … click here.

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